Our Committees & Agendas

United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)

Establishment of a Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the Middle East.

Theme : The United Nations General Assembly is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations, serving as the main deliberative, policy making, and representative organ of the UN. Nuclear Weapon-Free Zones establishment is a regional approach to build global non-proliferation and disarmament norms. It is an international effort towards world peace and security. The Middle East Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone is a proposed agreement which is similar to Nuclear Weapon-Free Zones. Gandhiji viewed Non-Violence as the greatestforce at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man. This highlights the need to mount an urgent, dynamic and international response.
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Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)

Protecting Women in Migration from Human Trafficking, Sexual Slavery, and Sexual Exploitation.

Theme : CSW (Commission on the Status of Women) has been described as the UN organ promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women. CSW constantly endeavors to identify prevailing and newly emerging gaps and challenges to gender equality and address them in an effective manner in the annual meetings advising ECOSOC to take action accordingly to empower women on a local, national, regional, and global level.Migrants are particularly vulnerable specially women.The challenges for migrating women are many and the solutions must protect them from Human Trafficking, Sexual Slavery and Sexual Exploitation. One can see the concern for Gender Equality in Gandhiji's perspectives. Gandhiji said, "We should not say that women are inferior to men. It would be libel and it is a sin." He always emphasized on education for women and their social positioning. He opined that “The day we will be able to say that our women are safe on the street at night – that is the day we have achieved gender equality."
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United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)

Combatting Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance.

Theme : The United Nations Human Rights Council is a United Nations body whose mission is to promote and protect human rights around the world. Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and related intolerances existed all across the world. In this generation of conflict, humans are not a basis to racism like practices. Council's responsibility is to put an end to racism and racial discrimination. Gandhiji aptly said that man becomes great exactly in the degree in which he works for the welfare of his fellow men. He never discriminated anyone on the basis of caste system rather he celebrated the existence of untouchables by widely calling them as "Harijans" (Children of God) and worked extensively for their emancipation.
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World Health Organization (WHO)

Universal Health Coverage: Leaving No One Behind.

Theme : The World Health Organization is an important part of United Nations responsible for international public health. Its main objective is to attain highest possible level of health by all the mankind. 2030 Agenda is known by the tagline "Leaving No One Behind". Gandhiji believed that "Poverty is the worst form of violence." He viewed that "Progress of a society should be determined by the state of the most vulnerable and the weakest ones."
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United Nations Security Council (UNSC)

Peace Building Measures in Post Conflict Regions with Special Emphasis on Iraq and Libya.

Theme : The United Nations Security Council is responsible to ensure international peace and security. It also recommends the admission of new UN members to the General Assembly and approves any changes to the UN Charter. Conflict Regions like Iraq and Libya gives credence to a more powerful consensus to explore measures for world peace. Gandhiji led an agitation through non-violent Satyagraha for India's freedom. The resolution "stresses the need for non-violence, tolerance, full respect for human rights, fundamental freedom for all, democracy, development, mutual understanding and respect for diversity as reinforcement for peace and growth of mankind".
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International Press (IP)

Theme : The International Press is an independent committee in any MUN conference, where the team of reporters enact the role of free and fair press media. The discussions and conclusions commencing in the committee are constantly noted by the team and the team also have the opportunity of participating in press conference, where they scrutinize and question the delegates. The International Press also features the Caricaturists, who sketches incidences during the discussions in the committees and play an important role in Reports.
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