Why MUN?

  • MUN has many benefits combined in a single activity. From focusing on skill development to international recognition, it improves public speaking, negotiating, and also presentation skills. In addition, it enhances awareness of international affairs and diplomacy, develops team-working, leadership, and drafting skills.
  • MUN imparts the possibility to develop conference organization and management skills.
  • Students get an opportunity to think and learn through a new perspective and also meet people from around the world and build global friendships. Visiting new cities and countries and representing your country, is also a possibility.

What is MUN (Model United Nations)?

  • "Model United Nations" or MUN, is an extra-curricular activity in which students typically role-play delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees.
  • Students represent countries, typically not their own, in a UN committee to debate a topic of international affairs.
  • This activity takes place at MUN conferences, which are usually organized by a high school or college MUN club.

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